Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Doggam, I did it!

I finished my 50000 word novel with three days to spare.

I actually hit 50050, as it seemed like a good idea at the time to hit 50/50, maybe.

Their word counter (after I scrambled it for their server) seems to think I did even more. Whatever.

It's called "Foolproof"

I have to thank my late (or parallel universe) friend Mick Swain, who would have loved this project.
Mick Swain - writer and mentor and best friend at the time
He loved writing and always encouraged me to try - no, not to try, but to actually DO it, and regularly, routinely, habitually.

Half way through, when I was losing momentum, he turned up as a character, 13 years and one month after he left this realm - he died on October 30th 1994 - to write his own happy ending at long last.

Thanks Mick! Here to Go!

As I rolled up to the finishing line, and gave him the last word, XM Radio was cranking out Leon Russell and Joe Cocker's "Mad Dogs and Englishmen" - and the track that hit by chance was "Space Captain"

Once I was travelling across the sky
This lovely planet caught my eye
And being curious I flew close by
And now I'm caught here
Until I die
Until we die
Learning to live together
Learning to live together
Learning to live together
Till we die
I lost my memory of where I've been
We all forgot that we could fly
Someday we'll all change into peaceful man
And we'll return into the sky
Until we die
Until we die
Learning to live together
Learning to live together
Learning to live together
Till we die
Live together, yeah,
Learning to live together
Till we die
Learning to live together
Learning to live together
Learning to live together
Learning to live together
This involved a few late nights...
Till we die
Ah... hum...
Until we die
Until we die
Learning to live together
Learning to live together
Learning to live together
Learning to live together
Learning to live together
To live together...
To live together...
To live together...


trigger said...

Congratulations, Yaaaaaaaaaaaa. yippee. woowoo!

Now when do we get to read it. Sometime soon ?


Toby said...

Waaallll, several people have asked me that! it depends whether this counts as a private experiment, to be redone with more forethought and time; or whether to edit this version; etc.

I haven't really thought about it, having finished three days early and immediately set it aside.

I believe a lot of people at NaNo use December to edit what they got.

I have set myself to write a short story before the Solstice, so I doubt I will tackle the novel right now.

So I may send out the horrible ragged bare bones I have - to select people - but I didn't proof read it (for the stuff spell-checkers miss) or correct it in any way, and it veers around from
3rd Person to 1st person, the tenses may be inconsistent, and the POVs, etc.

I don't know. I haven't read it! :-) I only wrote it.

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