Monday, February 09, 2009

Cardiff avoids disaster

I gather the weather remains pretty foul everywhere, but here in Cardiff we may live in a micro-climate.

OK, it's cold and wet, but hardly a threat to life and limb - or any kind of excuse to close schools and stay off work (much though I'd like to right now).

I guess there may be more snow on the way - and no doubt it remains pretty heavy up in the cottage (where Julie and Dandy are right now), but I just got a wet, grey Monday to contend with. Oh, actually the webcam at Pontrhydygroes shows the snow clearing, right now.

These blog entries are drifting from serious Thought for the Day, to a weird bland blend of Facebook and Twitter (and pictures of the dog).

"What RU doing right this moment?"

(typing, of course!)

Broken-down metaphors

Hey ho. I amuse my friends by using car metaphors, when I can't even drive, but I suppose I see

  • websites as for stick-shift drivers

  • blogs and forums for people who like automatic (less to know or think about)

  • Facebook and Twitter, etc simply seem like Dodgems /Bumper cars...great fun, for some, but so limited as to be almost useless for 'transport purposes'. IMHO Although communal picture albums seem fun (you could also try Flickr).

  • At least on MySpace musicians can easily upload music samples, which I like - and YouTube lets you share vids, etc

But each to their own, of course. I'd hate to sound like a snob, when I hardly devise websites (HGV license?) or write code (racing drivers?) or innovate (world land speed record?)

Metaphors always end up over-stretched, eventually - sigh.

Tuesday, February 03, 2009

Not quite gone this morning

Not as glamorous as by night, but the garden still had snow this morning, and, in spite of the pleading look "can we go out again, can we, can we, can we?" I had to go to work (sigh).

Mooching Pooch

Dandy has never seen snow in all his two years...not great pix with my camera battery dying, but it could be gone by morning. This was our midnight walk!

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