Thursday, May 22, 2008

Nash Point Beach

Nash Point Beach, originally uploaded by Community Care.

Julie has started to present her photos online, and amazing they are too (to a mere snapshotter like me).

You can find her professional images at Total Image Nation, but in the process of searching for her name online [Julie Shackson] she came across a set of photos that she had submitted to a competition last year (all entries stored on Flickr) and found she had won a 'highly commended' with the above beauty.

Monday, May 19, 2008


And so a month flew by without any new postings. Two weeks of that were spent up in Mid-Wales in mostly greyish weather, in the cottage. You can see a glimpse of it here

and then directly outside the gate is a big rock, which shelters the house
but I decided to climb to the top of it (the easy way, around the back!)
to get this view of the house.

Dandy loves it, and all the surrounding area of woods and streams

What ya doing?

Update 19 May 09: Preswylfa has had a total makeover, and changed its name to Ty Cariad.

It has now become available as a holiday cottage to rent, and here's the Ty Cariad website, and a blog for less formal updates.

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