Thursday, May 22, 2008

Nash Point Beach

Nash Point Beach, originally uploaded by Community Care.

Julie has started to present her photos online, and amazing they are too (to a mere snapshotter like me).

You can find her professional images at Total Image Nation, but in the process of searching for her name online [Julie Shackson] she came across a set of photos that she had submitted to a competition last year (all entries stored on Flickr) and found she had won a 'highly commended' with the above beauty.


Anonymous said...

Thi is a beautifull photo.Thank you for posting it.Crissie

Toby said...

It certainly is, Crissie.

Julie has a hard drive full of this stuff (Paris, Barcelona, Wales, etc), but she has only just started putting them online.

And (of course) the original high quality pix look a lot better than the quick Flickr versions...

CirikloDilo said...

great shots! can't wait to see more.

Toby, do you have a flickr or picassa URL?

Toby said...

Nah, I don't have. I had Picasa on my PC for a while, but it stole a lot of resources keeping itself up to date...and I haven't taken the time to make a a snapshooter I don't consider pictures that important really...I send the occasional one to a Facebook collection, or MySpace profile, or whatever - but have never got into serious photo swapping.

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