Sunday, September 19, 2004

Ah, yes, well...

That's a big Hi! to Rachel, as we just had a slightly drunken conversation in which I heard she reads this blog.

I didn't put a good case for publishing, I am afraid...

This really is a notebook to myself, but it's open (like a conversation) to input, 'cos I don't think I have all the best links in the world.

Oh, and I was a street performer, and that never goes away - to stay alive I had to draw attention to myself - without appearing arrogant, or pathetic, or whatever. Never an easy trick. This has an element of that. In that sense it is no more than a column in a newspaper where people drivel on about the everyday hazards that a freelance journalist suffers. hmmm. Like the stand-ups who get successful, and spend their whole time on stage doing routines about the food and service on planes and in hotels (funny, unless, like me, you didn't get on a plane between 1987 and 2002, then it leaves you cold...)hmmm

So, it's not a diary, it's not a column, it's a way of staying in touch with my family (but only if they have time to catch up), it's somewhere to drop links to stuff I want to remember, it's a train of thought, it's up to nearly 110,000 words, so I could have written a book (and perhaps I have). It's a glimpse of the real person behind the 'glamour of brief show-biz fame'. It's an experiment in writing. It's practice at touch-typing. It's the floating supplement to a fairly slow-changing website. And what's a website for? Ah....

And so on.

You should check out the other ways people use instant publishing - there are so many kinds of blogs...

You don't have to read it, you know, there's a whole big internet out there....

Be Seeing you!

1 comment:

Rachel Bardett said...

hi to the hi! just woken up after a long hibernation. one of my ancestors was a bear. if four of them were bears then so am i. hmm...

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