Friday, July 30, 2004

It was only ever a maybe...

Well, I didn't publish anything about this, because I never really had any faith in it - but now that it's certainly off, I can speak.

For a while there I half-believed that this Star Wars thing was going to get me to Japan at the end of August. Took a week's leave, in case. Learned a bit of Japanese, in case.

Fortunately I never let it go from 'possibly' to 'probably', so I am not very disappointed - perhaps the people I mentioned it to will be more let down on my behalf. I told them my Pessimist is never let down, just proven right or pleasantly surprised...

And anyway, I have Paris to look forward to (Hooray!) working with someone I know, and like and trust (Hooray!)

1 comment:

pentaphobe said...

Oh, that's a shame.. oh well, we'll work out another way to get you out here, or (to stretch the term), vice-versa.

My issue with the pessimism (in myself) is that it can get to a point where you're not surprised about the good, or the bad.

eg. The laptop arrived, but I'm so busy being prepared for it to bust again, that I haven't done a little dance, or jumped around singing the laptop song..
guess I got it out of the way the first time 'round :)

Lost In Translation has made me _really_ want to either see that you get to Japan, or hang out in Japan with you :)

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